A Visionary style - A drop of perfume, and the past awakens.
From its birth on the Croisette in Cannes, this high perfumery house shakes up the perfume microcosm. It goes against the current trend. "By trying too hard to be fashionable, many brands end up lacking character and beginning to ressemble one another."
Between communication in modesty and perfumes in immodesty, Onskad is one of the few brands that believes it is up to the client to come and meet true luxury. The founder openly admits she is against the influencer phenomenon and prefers to invest in prestigious, international events where her perfumes take refuge in the dressing rooms during the Festival de Cannes, the Venice Film Festival, and Fashion Weeks. Her perfumes are a tête-à-tête with oneself, and only they truly influence their skin partners. Let them settle on your secret zones: your nape, the crook of your arms, the inside of your knees, your ankles, and your hair.
"With every development of a perfume, I know immediately when it reaches its essence; it moves me to tears. For me, the question is never to please the greatest number of people, but to create fragrant treasures that remain true over time, in harmony with the heritage of French perfumery. To feel the pride of completing a fragrance; to achieve a certain form of perfection.